B1 and B2

Something just popped up in my head, as usual. So I was just thinking about how miserable it is being an only child, then I read about how other people are complaining about their siblings. Heh. (conflict~)

I realized there are a lot of families( not just Chinese!) who treat the eldest child better than they do the others. Most of the time, it’s the eldest and the youngest, blablabla I didn’t have time to do “research”. (aka stalking)

Like if it’s a family with 2 daughters or sons then they’ll treat the eldest better,(etc. new clothes, more attention, more pocket money) and the middle/youngest will just have to wait in line. I don’t think it’s fair at all! All children should be treated equally right? You can’t just treat this one better, spoil this one, and totally ignore the rest. It’s mean. Mean parents.

I’m not saying ALL parents are like this, just saying that those who are are really mean for treating their kids like that. How would you feel if you were second in everything and you’re always living in your older brother/sister’s shadow? But maybe the parents were treated that way too lah that’s why they’re tortu–treating their kids like that.

So just a short post to get this outta my head, because it’s been stuck there for YEARS! At school my classmates( not all of them were my friends!) used to be really upset when they….lost a competition, got less than a 100 in an exam, etc. Because they always have to live in their bro/sis shadow. And even stuff like stationary, schoolbags, blahblah, they gotta wait till B/S1 doesn’t wanna use them anymore. So sad! šŸ˜¦

If I were in that situation, I have no idea what would have happened by now. I would have either been kicked out of the house, or my parents would have learnt a very valuable lesson. I guess we’ll never know, and I’m not that eager to find out either. And now I have terrible gas……so I feel like a Jigglypuff. Whoopee–pooooooot! Oopsie. Excusez moi. šŸ˜›


2 thoughts on “B1 and B2

  1. sAEId says:

    I think having siblings has been overrated.
    The first child gets a lot of attention, but it’s the last one that get’s the best of everything. Cause the smaller the child , the cuter they are. No one plans on it, it just goes that way. And the middle children, they get the short end of the stick. That’s the sad part

  2. SC Mak says:

    I didn’t have the Total Middle-Child Syndrome thing because your uncle and I lived apart most of the time and being a girl I wasn’t expected to share his ugly clothes and Billabong wallets. But I did remember I used to get really jealous and upset when he spent a day too many with us over the hols. All my special projects had to be shared with him and I also had to share durians with him! I got so mad one day I shouted, “LESS PEOPLE, MORE SHARE!” and staged a silent protest : I would not speak a word until he got out of the house. – It backfired – the household was grateful for the silence.

    I wouldn’t say having siblings is over-rated because I never really had a chance to grow up with my brothers. And as I have learned to say, “They ain’t heavy…I’m heavier”. lolz. – But then again, that’s just me, I want to have all those “over-rated” experiences I never really had the full treatment of : marriage, relationships with siblings, cousins, extended families.

    I was just talking to Aunty SH that we have to give each child their own brand new thing and not make them share…especially now that we live in a more affluent society. I do agree with you it’s not fair to make another child wait their turn, be compared to another sibling or having to share or use hand-me-downs.

    Which is why, you can be assured, you will never have siblings until I become a multi-multi-multi-millionaire. Do you know how costly raising a specimen like you is?

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